the cars were all going about 20-30km over the limit. It all got a bit
much when I realized that I was missing a potentially lovely quieter
drive near the ocean.
I set off to find water and take a break from the insane interstate. I
found a beach, but you had to be from that city to use it-- I didn't
have the car sticker so I was turned away. Other places were gated so
I could see that there was water but not get close to it. Another
beach was public, but there was no parking anywhere--all streets were
no parking zones. Some people ran parking lots on their lawns, but I
wasn't about to pay $15 for a ten minute glimpse at a crowded beach.
The water was Long Island Sound, not even big ocean water. On this
detour I did see some very lovely rural homes. Wooden siding and short
rubble stone walls, with doors and yards all decorated a la Martha
My GPS kept getting mad at me for ignoring the directions, but I
couldn't resist following signs for a boat launch site. I saw a marsh
and several kayakers who told me several places to go to see big
water. One of the kayakers did a highschool exchange in Perth On. what
a small world.
So on I went to Watch Hill to see the ocean. It was just what I was
looking for. Free parking at a yacht club, a nice walk (2 hrs) along a
very empty beach with a protected bird habitat on the dunes. Waves
attacked me, I found cool rocks and shells, watched little sand pipers
evade the incoming surf, saw the sun set, heard a fog horn and saw two
distant lighthouses.
Exhausted from sand-walking, I headed to Providence, making a stop at
Tim Hortons for dinner. It's not as good as in Canada.
Very thankful for GPS, I got safely to the hotel and now I'm
recharging my camera, iPod and very soon I'll recharge myself too.
Good night Rhode Island!
Sent from my iPod
Thank you so much for your posts. I've enjoyed them. I'm staying a night at Boston Airport, and will head off to Providence ASAP. ;)